
Monday, 30 July 2012

Zing Ballyhoo New Mystery Prize!

(Sorry it's late! 17th July 2012)

Hey Pandas!

I am so sorry it's late! I have been busy with leaving school and everything.
Well, Zing Ballyhoo is back with his first prize. He is thinking Olympic because of the big event this year!

 Well... the new prize is...
An Olympic Top!
I am so sorry, I couldn't get a picture because I couldn't get the prize in time!

If any of you don't know or have forgotten how to get the prizes, I will tell you!

First collect 10 golden tickets lying on the ground. The just appear at any moment!
They look like this:

Once you see it, go up to it and click on it. You hover your mouse over the golden ticket and then when a brown paw appears, you click on this.
Then this should come up:

Once you have done that 10 times go to Zing! But to check how many golden tickets you have, click on the golden ticket underneath the map in the top right corner of your screen!
It should look like this:

Once you have clicked on it, it will show you how many golden tickets you have. I only had 1 golden ticket when I took that picture.
It looks like this:

Then you click on you map which is in the top right corner of your screen
It looks like this:

Once you have click on the map, click on TreeHouse Lobby
I have put a red ring around TreeHouse Lobby on the map.
The map looks like this:

When you are there, click on Zing Ballyhoo who is in front of his tent ready to take your tickets to exchange them for a prize of 500 coins!
TreeHouse Lobby looks like this:

If you haven't joined Pandanda yet, sign up now and start collecting your tickets before he leaves!

Keep collecting!
~Pingu :)

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