

Name of Glitch: Walk on Ceiling
What you will need: A level 50+ Dragon and any other potion except bubble potion
How to do it: With a Dragon, you will need to click up a wall, a ceiling or anything other than the ground. Then use another potion (eg: Mouse Hair Potion). Then go into our rucksack and use the potion and there you are! Standing above the ground! 
Extra: Maybe you could dance or jump or sit or anything to add to it!

Name of Glitch: Names Gone!
What you will need: To be at a place with a pretend Panda in. (eg: Lisa, Steve, Tammy, Jim, Zing)
How to do it: First, click on a pretend Panda. Then click anywhere except pandas. Then the pretend Panda's name has gone! To get it back just do it all over again.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry! I didn't have enough time to post anymore because Pandanda closed! But if you have any on your blog which you are willing to share, just email them to pinguandsafespdconsole@hotmail.co.uk
    If you change your mind we can take them off. If we put your glitch photos up we will give credit to you and your blog!
