About pingu83846:
Pandanda user name: pingu83846
Pandanda nickname: pingu
Pandanda Level: Level 51
Joined Pandanda: January the 8th 2010
Friends on Pandanda: 197
Boy or girl: Girl
Tomboy or girly girl: Both
Real name: Abigail Cook
Nick name: Abi
Age: 11
Born: 21st July 2001
Year at school: Year 7
What Type Of School:Secondary School (High School)
Best friend(s) in real life:Anthia Makoni and Isabella Grosvnor
Best friend(s) on Pandanda: Safe9999, Goofyericson and MoOony
Hobbys: Friends, Cooking, Guitar and Art
Pandanda user name: Safe9999
Pandanda nickname: safe
Pandanda Level: Level 16
Joined Pandanda: September the 18th 2011
Friends on Pandanda: 59
Boy or girl: Boy
Tomboy or girly girl: I'm a boy!
Real name: Michael Hinds
Nick name: Mike
Age: 11
Born: 27th of December 2001
Year at school: Year 6
What Type Of School: Middle School
Best friend(s) in real life: Nathan, Louis and Daniel
Best friend(s) on Pandanda: Pingu83846 and MoOony
Hobbys: Football, Cod (Call of Duty)
About Goofyericson
Pandanda user name: Goofyericson
Pandanda nickname: Goofy or Goffy
Level on Pandanda: 20
Joined Pandanda: March the 22nd 2011
Friends on Pandanda: 98
Boy or girl: Girl
Tomboy or girly girl: girly girl
Real name: Abinaya
Nick name: ammu
Age: 13
Born: 5th November 1999
Year at school:Year 8
What Type Of School: Middle School
Best friend(s) in real life: Prasiddha, Sivaranjani, Keerthana, Janani, Vaishnavi, Nisha
Best friend(s) on Pandanda: Pingu83846, MoOony, Safe9999, Buger2215, MVP123456789 and Pintuska
Hobbys: Guitar, Computer, Pandanda, Music and Reading
We are not taking in anymore requests to be authors. We are sorry about this but due to Pandanda closing we are keeping our current authors. Pingu and Safe's PD Console will always be running though!